Home Do I need counselling?
Do I need counselling?

If everything is going well in your life, in yourself and you feel satisfied with everything, there is no need for counselling.


These are the kinds of statements people make when they may have needed to access professional support...........

  • "I experience awful feelings of panic......."
  • "Life appears very confusing and complicated"
  • "Enjoying life is difficult now, I feel depressed"
  • "Decision-making is very difficult I don't know which way to turn"
  • "Worry stops me from doing things"
  • "I am still consumed with grief many months/years from my loss"
  • "I find it really difficult to sleep at night, I always wake up tired"
  • "I no longer eat healthily"
  • "Anxiety makes me do things I don't like"
  • "I feel in emotional pain"
  • "I am using alcohol to self-medicate"

If you want to find out more about what causes people to need support click on 'What are the common causes of emotional pain?' in the side menu.

Is help available?

Yes - I am an experienced counsellor and can offer professional, understanding support and guidance for a wide range of issues. I work from the Human Givens approach.  It is a solution-focused approach, offering effective, fast and practical help.

..........Sometimes the person making contact is someone seeking support, guidance and help for a loved-one.

...........Sometimes a person requires just one consultation to chat about their situation to help decide how to move forward.